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所有房型皆為禁菸!! ​
All room types are non-smoking!!

為了給其他房客更優質的生活環境以及健康環境,嚴禁吸菸,吸菸者請勿考慮入住,如發現房客中有吸菸者其訂金將不退還,以及當天搬離,請大家配合! 謝謝
In order to provide other tenants with a better living environment and a healthy environment, smoking is strictly prohibited. Smokers should not consider staying, please cooperate! Thank you


1. 本背包客位於郊區,建議您必須要自行開車, 建議您在奧克蘭可以先買二手車,奧克蘭的選擇比較多。若您沒有車子,我們可以幫您協調已經入住的背包客,共乘車,分攤油費。
2. 為了安全考量,禁止使用個人攜帶型電暖器

3. 房租以週計費(七個連續的夜晚)。
5. 所有房間室內皆為禁煙,如果需要吸菸請到戶外。
6. 押金為一週的房租,退房時押金會退還。
7. 熱水供應有限,請盡量縮短洗澡時間,以免熱水用盡,需要再次等待加熱。
8. 禁止重度飲酒,派對或非法活動,毒品交易等行為,發現立刻報警處理。
9. 入夜十點後請保持安靜,輕聲細語,以免打擾其他夥伴的睡眠。
10. 嚴禁非法點對點 P to P 之影片下載。
11. 若有任何朋友來訪或過夜,需事先告知。
12. 貴重物品請隨身攜帶,若有遺失,房東不負擔保管與賠償之責任。


1. This backpacker is located in the rural area. It is recommended that you must drive by yourself. It is recommended that you buy a second-hand car in Auckland. There are many choices in Auckland. If you don't have a car, we can help you coordinate with the backpackers who are already staying, share the car, and share the fuel cost.
2. For safety reasons, personal portable heaters are prohibited

3. Rent is billed on a weekly basis (seven consecutive nights).
5. All rooms are non-smoking indoors. If you need to smoke, please go outside.
6. The deposit is one week's rent, and the deposit will be refunded when checking out.
7. The hot water supply is limited, please try to shorten the bathing time to avoid running out of hot water and need to wait for heating again.
8. Excessive drinking, partying or illegal activities, drug dealing and other behaviors are prohibited. If found, report to the police immediately.
9. Please keep quiet and speak softly after ten o'clock at night, so as not to disturb the sleep of other partners.
10. Illegal peer-to-peer P to P video downloads are strictly prohibited.
11. If any friends visit or stay overnight, please inform us in advance.
12. Please bring valuables with you. If you lose it, the landlord is not responsible for safekeeping and compensation.


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